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Cold-Footed / Cold Hearted Bride

Fox News reports that missing bride Jennifer Wilbanks was never abducted and merely got "cold feet" - hopping on a bus and ending up in Albuquerque, NM.  It was apparent she knew everyone thought she had been abducted, as she even told her husband-to-be (or former husband-to-be, perhaps?) that her abductors let her go and didn’t know where she was (authorities traced her collect call to a pay phone in Albuquerque).

Fox News calls it cold feet - I call it irresponsible.  In this day, when so many women and children are truly being abducted and killed, this is playing with fire.  Tax payer money and fear are heavy costs paid for a fleeing bride’s "cold feet." I hope there will be consequences for her actions. 

UPDATE:  On MSNBC yesterday, they interviewed one of the police officers regarding the case, and when asked if any charges will be filed against her, he said there would not be.  False reporting, here….false reporting here…lots of money spent with 100 officers out looking for her.  I’m not surprised, though.

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Happy Blogiversary to my Hubby!

I wanted to wish my dear hubby, Eric at Vince Aut Morire, a Happy one year Blogiversary!

I started my blog because of him, just to get into his head and find out what this "blog stuff" was all about.  Because of him, I’ve been doing it myself since December.  I only wish I could be half as good at touching the lives of others - I’ve been amazed at how many people he has touched.  Most of us have been hit with rolls of laughter at his deranged sense of humor, but many have also been touched because what he wrote about had directly impacted their lives and they want to thank him for writing about their loved one, when it seemed everyone else - ahem, note "MSM" - had forgotten.  He also has a way with the French, and I mean that with only the utmost respect…hee hee.

Honey - Happy Blogiversary!  I know I can’t say that I was supportive 100% of the time because I’ve always been trying to pull you away from the ‘puter to spend time with me (other than via email…hehehehe), but I am very supportive of why you do what you do and will always admire and respect your talent and straightforwardness. 

That being said, I wanted to give you a special gift.

Drum roll, please……


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NAMBLA & the ACLU - A Match Made in Hell

NAMBLA states that they are on an important, historic mission.  They state that their mission is simple - abolition of age-of-consent laws that classify sex with children as rape. NAMBLA is the North American Man/Boy Love Association. 

Charles Jaynes, 25, reportedly viewed the group’s web site shortly before the killing of Jeffrey Curley, a 10 year old boy, slain in 1997.  Jaynes also had in his possession some of NAMBLA’s publications. Also convicted in the killing was 24-year-old Salvatore Sicari.  Sicari, convicted of first-degree murder, is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole.  Jaynes’ second-degree murder and kidnapping convictions enable him to seek parole within the next 20 years.  Was this a case of misunderstanding?  Does this fit with NAMBLA’s philosophy of man/boy love that is non-violent?  Hardly.  Prosecutors said Jaynes and Sicari were sexually obsessed with the boy, lured him from his Cambridge neighborhood with the promise of a new bike, and then smothered him with a gasoline-soaked rag when he resisted their sexual advances. They then stuffed him into a concrete-filled container and dumped it into a Maine river. Non-violent?  No.  Loving?  No.

The ACLU is a supporter of NAMBLA, representing the organization in the civil case related to the aforementioned murder.  The ACLU is representing NAMBLA PRO BONO.  Their official position:  “In representing NAMBLA, the ACLU does not advocate sexual relationships between adults and children. What we do advocate is robust freedom of speech. This lawsuit strikes at the heart of freedom of speech. The defense of freedom of speech is most critical when the message is one most people find repulsive.”  I am repulsed.  Repulsed by the idea that my children may not be able to say “…one Nation, under God” in school some future day - thanks to the ACLU - but this disgusting, vile organization is supported due to freedom of speech?

In February 2005, the FBI arrested three NAMBLA members at Harbor Island as they waited for a boat that undercover agents told them would sail to Ensenada for a sex retreat over Valentine’s Day with boys as young as 9.  The FBI also arrested four additional NAMBLA members in a Los Angeles marina where they also planned to set sail to the same bogus retreat.  These men are a cross-section of people you and I might interact with regularly:  a dentist, a special education teacher, a substitute teacher, a handyman, a flight attendant who is also a psychologist, a paper company employee and a personal trainer.  How horrific to know that a number of these men had daily interactions with children!  As noted in court papers, most of these men told the undercover agent they had been sexually involved with children historically, including boys they met on the Internet and others.  Looking more closely at these men, at least one of the men is a member of NAMBLA’s national leadership, a second organized their national convention in 2004 and a third has been a NAMBLA member since the 1980s.  Thank God these criminals have been discovered so no more boys are harmed.

So what of Charles Jaynes?  The Boston Herald reports that Jaynes is now battling efforts by his victim’s mother to uncover whether NAMBLA is bankrolling Jaynes’ prison canteen.  There were court affidavits from two inmates claiming Jaynes engages in sex acts in the prison without discipline, shows off his victim’s autopsy and has a fat canteen account courtesy of NAMBLA.  While one of these inmates has now recanted their story, questions are still present about what NAMBLA is doing for Jaynes while he is in prison.  I won’t link to NAMBLA’s disgusting site, but they do have a Prisoner Program for those convicted of pedophilia.  The program on their website clearly states that they do not financially support prisoners, but provides instruction on what type of information should be sent to these criminals.  Here’s what NAMBLA says about those incarcerated for, what they believe, are unfounded criminal acts:  “Incarceration is a terrible thing. For a boy-lover ground into the criminal justice system, it is an especially harrowing fate.”  What about the fate of that 10 year old boy whose lifeless body was stuffed into a container and tossed away into the river? 

Cross-posted at The Wide Awakes

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Damned of the West IV - The Jawa Report

A must read!  Part IV of the interviews Dr. Rusty Shakleford had with the family of abducted American Roy Hallums.

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Evil Poetry Meme

Okay….so I got tagged to be a part of this Evil Poetry Meme by Raven and Beth.  So here’s my work of art:

Turd in a punchbowl

Shoot it out your blowhole

Turd in a punchbowl

How did I get in this meme roll?

So before you think I’m more crazy than I already am, I had to put "turd in a punchbowl" in the first & third lines of the poem.  I hope you like it Beth and Raven…I don’t have three blog friends who haven’t done this already, so I don’t think I can pass this along, but I will certainly encourage everyone to go read yours and to read Vinnie’s award winning contribution!

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White Trash Cooking - Stuff in a Jar

All righty ya’ll.  I know you’ve done heard of those meals in a jar that wimmin-folk make at Christmas time.  You know.  Cookies in a jar, soup in a jar, hot chocolate in a jar.  You know the stuff….gotta follow the directions, add the water or hot milk and all of that.  Well, I find them things nice to get at Christmas time, but not all that convenent simpul oh hell, easy to do.  Me and my old man Cletus, we done come up with a new "in a jar" product that don’t need nothing added, don’t need no mixin’ and will make life just a little bit more interesting for us all.  Moonshine in a jar.  A-yup.  Just crank ‘er open and toss ‘er back.  That’s all it takes.

I find that these make good gifts at weddin’s so the bride and groom can get all drunk and see what that married thang is all about.  I reckon it also is a nice baby shower gift.  The ma will need some of my majic joos once that youngun starts squallerin.  Hell, this would even be a nice item to have at your uncle’s funeral.  All them crying people - we all need a drink during those times.  It’s also great for momma’s day comin’ up.  You know yer momma wants some of this, doncha?  Hell, just shoot me a note and I’ll getcha set up.  Iffin I get too many requests, I may have to buy me another tub to set up more distillin’.  Yeee doggies!

Don’t fergit all my inbread friends and cuzins in the trailerpark:

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Damned of the West III - The Jawa Report’s Continuing Series

This is an important read.  Rusty Shakleford brings you part three in his series of interviews with Roy Hallums’ family.  Roy is an American who is being held hostage in Iraq - he was captured on November 1, 2004.  This interview is with Roy’s daughter, Carrie.  Please stop by The Jawa Report and learn how the family is handling this tragic situation.

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Linguine with White Clam Sauce

This is an awesome recipe!  I need to make it more than I do.  The flavor is just amazing!  Some people are a bit apprehensive about cooking with anchovies - I used to be one of them.  In this recipe, the anchovies actually do "melt" and you would never know they are in the pasta.  You would definitely know if they weren’t there, though!


1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
4 to 6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tin flat fillet of anchovies, drained, 6 or 7 fillets
2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves, 4 or 5 sprigs stripped or 1 1/2 teaspoons dried
1 cup dry white wine
1 cup clam juice or chicken stock (I do some of each)
1 can (15 ounces) fancy whole baby clams
1 lemon, zested
1 pound linguini, slightly undercooked, about 6 to 7 minutes
1/4 cup chopped parsley leaves
Lots of black pepper and some coarse salt
Crusty bread, for mopping


Heat a large deep skillet over medium heat. Add extra-virgin olive oil, 4 turns of the pan in a slow stream, red pepper flakes, garlic and anchovies and cook until anchovies melt into the oil. Add thyme and wine. Reduce wine 1 minute. Add clam juice or stock, clam juice will give the dish a stronger clam flavor, chicken stock will give it a buttery personality. Stir in clams and lemon zest. Drain pasta. Add to skillet and toss with sauce 2 to 3 minutes, until pasta is al dente and has absorbed some of the sauce and flavor. Add parsley, pepper and salt, to your taste and serve with bread for mopping up remaining juices.

recipe courtesy of Rachael Ray

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A Difference is Being Made in Afghanistan

Sally Goodrich, a mother who lost her son in the second plane to hit the World Trade Center on the September 11 attacks, had an opportunity to see the Afghan school being built with money she raised in the U.S.

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Sally Goodrich, whose son died in the Sept. 11 attacks, kept a grip on her grief as she surveyed the foundations of the Afghan school being built with money she raised in the United States.

But the 59-year-old, who lost her son in the second plane to hit the World Trade Center, has been overwhelmed more than once as she surveyed the striking landscape of mountains and plains where al-Qaida honed its plot.

"How could it possibly have come from a place of such reverence and tranquility?" she told The Associated Press in the Afghan capital this week, the thought bringing fresh tears and a determined smile.

Goodrich, a native of Bennington, Vt., and an administrator for schools in nearby North Adams, Mass., has helped raise about $180,000 for the new girl’s school in Surkh Abat, about 30 miles south of Kabul, in Logar province.

On Wednesday, she visited the site in a fertile valley edged by jagged mountains. Teachers and pupils gave her jewelry and a penholder made of colored beads. Later, they sang songs of welcome.

"All I had to do was maintain my composure, which was the most I could do," Goodrich said in an interview in a government guesthouse in Kabul, wearing a black headscarf even indoors out of respect for the country’s deep-rooted Islamic customs.

A childhood friend of Peter Goodrich, Sally’s son, wrote to Sally and Don Goodrich about the poor state of schools where he was stationed in Afghanistan.  What started as an effort to raise money for supplies turned into a much larger mission.  Supplies were sent to another school in Logar run out of a private home, but the Goodriches and others decided that Afghan children needed more than just supplies. 

Local churches, schools and family friends helped raise the funds for the school, paying some into a memorial foundation. Some of the money also came from compensation paid to families of the victims of the 2001 attacks.

The site for the new school was identified with the help of an Afghan deputy interior minister who once worked as an assistant to David Edwards, a professor at Williams College, in Williamstown, Mass., who also is involved in the project.

Haji Malik, the 60-year-old foreman of the construction site, said the people from seven nearby villages were delighted about the new school and the generosity of the "kind foreign lady."

"I condemn what happened on Sept. 11," Malik said as about 20 men heaved chunks of stone onto the foundations and smothered them in cement. "We are all part of humanity, we are all brothers, even if we have different religions."

One laborer, Ghulam Dastagir, said his three small daughters jumped up and down for joy when they heard about the school, which will serve elementary and middle grades.

Bibi Hawa, a 10-year-old girl minding four cows nearby, said she also would like to come to the school, "but my father won’t let me," suggesting conservative Muslim traditions would deprive some local children of a chance for education.

Sally Goodrich said her visit was heartwarming and that the 10 female teachers had made clear their sympathy for her loss.

"You see it in they eyes, that they understand suffering," she said.

Sally and her husband plan to return to see the first classes in the completed building, which will fall around the fourth anniversary of the September 11 attacks. 

Truly this story transcends politics and all of the critical fingerpointing we have seen since September 11.  Girls, who just 4-5 years ago would never have had an opportunity to go to school, will be attending a brand new school built because of the generous outpouring of Americans - those who were greatly impacted by the attacks that were planned on the very soil the school’s foundation now stands. 

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Domestic Strangulation Gets Probation

Nebraska has a new law that went into effect in Mid-April that classifies domestic strangulation as a Class 4 Felony, punishable by up to 5 years in prison. 

The first conviction has made its way through the court system (emphasis mine): 

LA VISTA, Neb.  What may be Nebraska’s first felony strangulation conviction has made its way through the courts, but the victim’s family isn’t happy with the outcome. The new classification of domestic strangulation as a crime is punishable by up to five years in prison, but Daniel Chumley, of La Vista, got probation. The victim’s family believes the system let them down, but the Sarpy County Attorney feels differently. 

Memorial weekend 2004, Tiffany Johnson’s ex-boyfriend, Daniel Chumley, showed up at her apartment and strangled her with his hands.  "She was choked, basically, to unconsciousness," said Christi Adams, Johnson’s mother.  Chumley ran and hid at his mother’s house. He staged a four-hour standoff with police, which ended when tear gas finally forced him out.

Adams said her daughter lives in fear of Chumley. When Chumley pleaded guilty to a felony charge under Nebraska’s new strangulation statute she had hoped he would be sentenced to one to three years in prison.  "So, it was quite a shock when she got a phone call on the morning of sentencing that there was a possibility this judge would give him probation," said Adams.

Chumley was not sentenced to one to three years; he received probation, even though he’s in jail now for violating DUI probation.  Sarpy County District Judge William Zastera sentenced Chumley to 30 months probation. He must refrain from alcohol use and complete an inpatient treatment program. Zastera declined to comment on the case.

Chief Deputy Sarpy County Attorney Tricia Freeman, who helped draft the strangulation legislation, said without the new felony law, Chumley may have gotten off on a misdemeanor.  Sarpy County Attorney Lee Polikov believes the system worked.  "A felony conviction is a serious condition," said Polikov. "It’s a defendant who’s going to have to jump through some significant hoops. And if he doesn’t, I’m sure he’ll do time."

I certainly appreciate the fact that this case didn’t turn out to bring with it a misdemeanor offense, but instead of writing a law to segment this type of crime out from others, I think it would have been a more valuable effort to strengthen the law to charge these types of criminals more heavily, more aligned with attempted murder, not merely assault.  I’m finding it hard to understand why strangling someone to unconsciousness wouldn’t be considered attempted murder, carrying with it a much stronger penalty.  It seems to be that laws are written to err on the side of the criminal with the questionable behavior versus protecting the victim.  This man should be serving time in a facility, not on probation.

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Hanoi Jane At It Again

Traderrob gives us an update of that wacky gal, Hanoi Jane, and her antics.  In a nutshell, she’s up to her old tricks, disrespecting our men and women in uniform (hmmm…not to mention America, the country that has afforded her the opportunities to pursue her life-long dreams and make her lots of money). 

Piss on Jane Fonda.  No, really, you can!  Go here to get Jane Fonda urinal stickers.  Get those and you can literally piss on her.  If she hates the American way so much, she should pack up her exercise tapes and her unsold books and leave.  Jane, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

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The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act

Every once in a while, human beings attempt to place at least some value on human life.   

The Bush administration told doctors and hospitals on Friday that they must make every effort to save the lives of premature babies born after failed abortions.

The administration’s directive said such efforts were required by a 2002 law known as the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. Michael O. Leavitt, the secretary of health and human services, said the federal government would "aggressively enforce" the law.

Under the law, the administration said, a fetus that survives an abortion procedure is no longer a fetus, but a person entitled to emergency medical care and protection against child abuse and neglect.

I’m very appreciative that this step is being taken.  While this type of situation doesn’t happen frequently, I cannot fathom a decision being made to allow an infant who survives such a situation to die without an attempt at life saving measures. 

In signing the bill in August 2002, President Bush said, "This important legislation ensures that every infant born alive - including an infant who survives an abortion procedure - is considered a person under federal law."

At hearings of the House Judiciary Committee in 2000 and 2001, a few hospital employees testified that infant "abortion survivors" had been allowed to die, the committee said.

Mr. Smith (Dennis G. Smith, director of the federal Center for Medicaid and State Operations) cited the Congressional testimony as a reason for the administration’s concern. After one attempted abortion, he said, "the child was breathing, the heart was beating and the child continued to live for several hours."

But Richard H. Wade, senior vice president of the American Hospital Association, said Friday: "These occurrences are extremely rare. The only evidence is anecdotal."

That’s okay, Richard H. Wade, if only ONE infant is saved from death following an abortion procedure, I’ll take your "anecdotal" evidence and raise you a human life.

By its terms, the law protects "every infant member of the species Homo sapiens" who "breathes or has a beating heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles" after expulsion or extraction from the womb as a result of normal childbirth, a Caesarean section or an induced abortion.

So now there is a law in place that protects babies following explusion or extraction from the womb.  It’s too bad these whackos and these whack jobs can’t see that for a baby to be alive once it is "extracted" from the womb, it had to be alive INSIDE the womb as well.  Murder is what we call killing a live human being - their "surroundings" shouldn’t matter.  Instead, these extremists use words such as "potential human being" or "parasite" to describe the miracle of a baby in the womb. 

I think stronger enforcement of this law is one step in the right direction.  You can read the full article here.  Also stop at Raven’s place to read more about how the whack jobs try to justify the murdering of babies in the womb.

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They Don’t Deserve Another Chance

There has been a lot in the news recently regarding registered sex offenders who had been in prison for their crimes and were sent back into society.  Their next crime was taking the lives of innocent children.  Most recently, we have all heard of the Jessica Lundsford case.  Over at Parrot Check, Craig posted about this tragedy, and the horrific news that Jessica had been buried alive.

Yes folks, she was bound, wrapped up in plastic trashbags, and then buried. I can not stomach the horror that this beautiful little girl must have gone through. I can only imagine the fear, the pain. I can imagine the feeling of being unable to breathe. The gasping struggle for air. And then imagine it happening to Jessica. I feel a fury only a parent can feel. If it were my child that was tortured and murdered, the person or persons responsible had better watch their backs for the rest of their lives lest they meet a fate less than pleasant.

It is a known fact that sexual predators are rarely, if ever, "rehabilitated."  Why do we let these monsters back on the street?  In an article on Fox News:

Criminologists say it’s all too frequent that the perpetrator is a pathological sexual predator, as in the case of Jessica’s alleged killer in Florida, John Evander Couey, and Roger Paul Bentley, who Iowa police say murdered Jetseta.

“It happens all the time,� said Louis B. Schlesinger, a forensic psychologist specializing in criminal behavior and sex crimes at John J. College of Criminal Justice in New York. “The dangerous ones have a high recidivism rate.�

According to data from the FBI’s National Crime Information Center, there are 381,967 entries for sex offenders in the NCIC Sex Offender Registration File — though not all states require sex offenders to be registered in the same way and some offenders are entered into the database for more than one state.

There have been multiple cases by which these sex offenders don’t end up registering when they move, and a significant number of these criminals end up moving in right next to schools.  The laws vary by state, the burden to register is largely left up to the offender (are the nuts running the asylum here?!?!?!?) and there are multiple loopholes these freaks find.  In many states, a police department can’t even act.  If they discover that a sex offender has moved too close to a school, AKA violating the terms of their release, they can only be told to move - no arrest!  So in effect, the very laws that were supposedly designed to keep our children safe are, in fact, doing the exact opposite - "cocooning" the criminal!  More on the Fox News article:

The Jessica Lunsford case so outraged her Florida community that a state representative, Charles Dean, said he’s introducing a bill called the "Jessica Lunsford Act" that would, among other things, require convicted sex offenders to wear electronic tracking devices.

“It’s a matter of us doing the job right. We need to find the loopholes, find the cracks,� Dean told FOX News.

As I stated previously, these criminals should not be given another chance and turned lose in society:

The reason many convicted sex offenders go out and molest more children, say sociologists and criminologists, is similar to why alcoholics continue to drink.

“Their sexual preference is for children. They have a compulsion to molest children,� said Keith F. Durkin, a criminologist at Ohio Northern University and an expert in the study of pedophilia. “Many, if not all, will molest children until the day they die. They’re dangerous and they’re going to reoffend.�

But there aren’t accurate numbers about the rate of recidivism among child molesters, since many of their repeat offenses go unreported.

Not only are they almost certain to continue sexually abusing children, but some eventually kill their young victims — more often than not for the purpose of keeping them quiet.

“Usually it’s to cover up the crime so the victim won’t say who he is,� Schlesinger said.

Which is more than likely what happened to Jessica Lunsford.  The thing that gets me, though, is the court’s unwillingness to LISTEN TO THE CRIMINAL and act appropriately (emphasis below is mine): 

But a number of sex offenders do know they can’t be trusted around kids. Couey reportedly was so aware of his problem that he’d pleaded for help in the past, saying he was a danger to children because he couldn’t stop himself from sexually abusing them. That compulsion is what makes it next to impossible to “cure� chronic child molesters.

“They’re basically untreatable,� Schlesinger said. “They’re predatory, compulsive, repetitive offenders. These are very dangerous people, aroused by children. That’s part of their sexuality. It’s very, very difficult to change that.�

In spite of that reality, many still are only serving fractions of their sentences — which often are light to begin with.

“The bottom line is that almost all these offenders will get out because they don’t have any laws barring them fro m getting out,� Schlesinger said. “They’re allowed back in the community because the court system is following the law.�

If someone had listened to Couey, and taken action, this little girl would still be alive.  Wouldn’t you think that common sense should prevail in these cases?

I cannot even begin to understand the grieving Jessica’s family has had to endure, and certainly can’t even fathom the horror this innocent girl faced when buried alive.  But I am a Mom.  And I know what I would do to any son-of-a-bitch who comes anywhere near *MY* children.  As my good friend Raven said: "FURY wouldn’t be the word I would use to describe how I would feel."  It goes way beyond that.

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Part 2: Interview With Susan Hallums on The Jawa Report

Please visit Dr. Rusty Shackleford’s site to read part two of his multi-part interview with the family of Roy Hallums, an American citizen held hostage in Iraq since November 1, 2004.

We must never forget all of the brave men and women in Iraq and serving abroad, whether in uniform or not.

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WTW - Parts is Parts?

Okay, ya’ll.  Here is a real White Trash Candidate.  This here guy dun decided that he wanted to practice his cutting technique on body parts - parts not his own, mind you.  I reckon he done thought no one would never know since they was just parts.  Here’s the story:

WOODLAND, Calif. (AP) - A morgue assistant accused of stealing body parts from a medical school so he could practice dissections at home was sentenced to more than two years in prison.

David Lawrence Beale, 47, was arrested in 2003 after more than 150 pounds of decomposing body parts, including two heads, were found near his Davis home. He pleaded no contest Monday to stealing human remains from the medical center at the University of California at Davis and possessing methamphetamine.

"This is a crime involving a great deal of callousness," said Superior Court Judge Michael Sweet.

Police initially suspected homicide when a tip led them to human remains in the trash at a trailer park where Beale once lived. Lawyers for Scott Peterson traveled to the area to search for evidence that Peterson’s wife, Laci, had been killed by a cult.

Beale allegedly told investigators he had been taking remains home for more than a decade. The parts were from cadavers donated to the medical center for research.

There just ain’t something right about a man takin’ body parts home.  How do you plan for somethin’ like that?

Be sure to check out my cuzins on the WTW blogroll on the right side of this page!

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